Schedules of Retreat

The Sacred Heart Retreat House also offers 30-day silent retreat arrangements. Our annual schedules start on the following days:

Second Monday of February | Last Monday of October | Easter Wednesday»August 2020

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Sacred Heart Retreat

By the term Spiritual Exercises we mean every method of examination of conscience, meditation, contemplation, vocal or mental prayer, and other spiritual activities. For example, just as taking a walk, traveling on foot, and running are physical exercises, so is the name spiritual exercises given to any means of preparing and disposing our soul to rid itself of all its disordered affections and then, after their removal, of seeking and finding the will of God in the ordering of our life for the salvation of our soul.

To overcome oneself, and to order one’s life, without reaching a decision through some disordered affection.

(That) I may become able to love and serve his Divine Majesty in all things.